The Ancient Greeks had a view of love which was essentially based around education: a benevolent process whereby two people try to teach each other how to become the best versions of themselves. A more modern person might say "If someone accepts me as I am, that is love. In pop culture, Karan Johar championed the words, "Pyaar dosti hai. Love is friendship." And yet, no one definition fits all..
As shown above, we have grown up with many definitions of love. And yet, love is so subjective. Many times, at its best, is is an attempt by two (sometimes more) flawed individuals to try and meet each other’s needs in situations of gross uncertainty and ignorance about who they are and who the other person is.
When these individuals come together, their patterns, insecurities, fears intersect to create subtler realities that are not always easy to engage with and understand. Would it then be right to say that learning to love over a long span of time is actually "inner work"? This Action Learning Saturday, we invite you to "Intimate Relationships - Patterns, Power and Hopes" - a conversation that will help you decode the two often ignored yet important questions:
- How do I love?
- How do I like to be loved?
Date: 25th February 2023 | Time: 5 PM - 7 PM Place: Sarvodaya Enclave, Delhi