A gathering to strengthen our youth leadership, learn from elders and build deep connections across ecosystems around the country. 2069 intends to be a space for 20 somethings to deep dive in their social change journey, build shared understanding of our challenges and create collective vision for our future along other youth.

A tentative flow of the 6 days together is shared here for your reference.

Day 1: Opening and introductions

Day 2: The ME Space: Questions around our personal journeys

Day 3: Discovering the WE: Looking at collective spaces and learning

Day 4: The NOTHING Day

Day 5: Celebrating the US: looking at the emerging crisis and alternatives

Day 6: Closing day: plans ahead and way forward

At 2069, we intend to participate with around 30 alumni from Youth Alliance and create a space for cross pollination and engaging with larger ecosystem of Youth work and also live through the values that we nurture at YA.We will also be creating spaces like that of a YA Alumni Residential that aims to revitalize deep ties that were nurtured during the immersive programs.

Details of the Youth Fest

Dates: 1st-6th March,2019

Venue: Sardarshahar, Rajasthan

Contribution: Rs 3,000 per head.

The gathering is by invite only so if you would like to participate, sign up here by 6th February.