Here are remarkable collection of reports, newsletters and other documents that illustrate the transformative work undertaken through Youth Alliance.

Annual Reports

Each year, a story of gratitude, growth, creativity and abundance. Each report give a glimpse of what a group of committed citizens can acheive. Read on, to discover the magic created year after year at Youth Alliance. Do write back to us, sharing your reflections and thoughts.

Annual Report 2021-22

2021-22 was the year when Youth Alliance completed 10 years of being. This annual report gives a glimpse of celebrating a remarkable decade of commitment to leadership based on inner work.

Annual Report 2020-21

A remarkable crises and opportunity year. This report reflects the spirit of service and resilience with which Youth Alliance Team and community responded to the pandemic. It also reflects the hope that emerged through the cracks - even as the underlying systemic inequalities came to the fore quite harshly, the enduring spirit of humanity and kindness too shined in moments of tragedy.

Annual Report 2018-19

2018-19 brought awareness of our rich lineage that got our generation here - science, industry, social movements and traditions each playing their own role. Here’s a glimpse of how we are shouldering the responsibility of our lineage and responding to the call of our times.

Youth Alliance Chronicle 2011-17

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Annual Report 2019-20

Read this creative expression of our journey through the year 2019-20. The four friends who with curiosity and kindness make Youth Alliance community what it is.

Annual Report 2017-18

With the return rate for alumni of YA being 62% - this year saw a diverse spaces created to cultivate community to realise the vision of Youth Alliance - nurturing an empathic leadership.

Annual Report 2012-13

The first report we ever created. And how grateful we felt to see the intention that we had in our hearts get nurtured with support of several visible and invisible forces.

Quarterly Newsletters

Ripples - Youth Alliance Newsletters

"Attention, after all, is the native poetry of consciousness and the most elemental form of love" as said by Maria Popova. Quaterly newsletters at Youth Alliance have been a process of noticing what emerged in the quater gone by. It is also a bridge to let you know the sincerity of effort made by the team and community and the grace that flowed to us, in visible and invisible forms. here is an archive of about two years of newsletters. You can subscribe to the upcoming one's below:

Program Reports

Gramya Manthan

Our longest running flagship program, has seen its evolution over the last decade with over 350 participants experiencing transformation of their worldview & understanding. Some of these reports record the emergence of Gramya Manthan over the years.

Earth Shastra

Since the origin of Earth Shastra in 2018, it has enabled a deepening of our understanding from the systemic lens. In the four years of learning with over 80 participants and two geographies - many transformative stories have been formed.

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The Ecology of Self

As an emergence of the pandemic, the two editions of The Ecology of Self have carved their own space in the journey of inner work, leadership and healing.

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